Learn more about our amazing and active 55 and up Senior Adults Ministry here at Immanuel.
Our Senior Adult Ministry (S.A.M.) is a thriving group of adults. This group involves a variety of stages in life—from those working and actively involved in their children’s lives to long-retired individuals. The majority offer years of wisdom and experience walking with the Lord and seeing His handiwork in their lives. They are involved in every facet of our church. Senior Adults deserve a place of honor and respect in the church. People of every age, including seniors, have a vital role to play in serving Jesus through His Church. We continue to stay active, learning, growing, and serving as a group. God doesn't EVER want us to retire from serving Him! Our senior adults love to fellowship, worship, and serve in our church.
Senior Adult Luncheons are held every third Thursday of the month at 11:30 a.m. We will meet in the Family Life Center or off-site at local restaurants. Follow the “Events” page for more up-to-date information. Come fellowship with some amazing people and hear some encouraging speakers.
We encourage you to visit one of our small Sunday School groups and see the true spirit of Immanuel Baptist church. It is a great place to connect and study God's Word. Each class also provides opportunities for ongoing fellowship and service. To learn more about how you can serve or be involved in this ministry, please get in touch with the church office at 878-1021. Senior Adult Minister is Jim Moore, Jim@immanuelonline.com